Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Cyber Security

                     In an age when everything has come to be digitized,government bureaucratic  processes  have increasingly been becoming targets of hackers whose intentions maybe unethical or otherwise. The problems surrounding online voting and misinformation campaigns in the 2016 general elections showed how inefficient the U.S governmental institutions were in dealing with cyber security. For a democracy to function properly, those responsible – mainly governments – must make sure that people’s desires and demands be heard and channeled correctly to those who represent them. According to this article, Alex Stamos – former security chief of Facebook – argues that the U.S government has failed again to protect the upcoming 2018 midterm elections just like they did with the 2016 general elections. I agree with Stamos that both federal and state governments should have cyber security organizations as commercial corporations would not be as effective as government institutions in dealing with national and state level issues. The U.S being the most powerful and influential country on the planet, what happens in the U.S could impact the rest of the world. As such, it should be more careful and diligent than any other country in solving its online voting issues arising today. 

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