Thursday, September 13, 2018

Cognition Crisis


Technology indeed can have negative physical and emotional impacts on your life. For example, I uninstalled social media apps like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram from my phone because they were interfering with my daily life. They are addictive and time consuming. The article mentions that spending just a few minutes on Instagram could actually make you less productive and the small light reflecting form your TV could prevent you from falling asleep.  The negative mental impacts technology can have on you include but not limited to depression, anxiety, attention deficit, impact on productivity, relationships, compassion, and empathy. According to Gazzaley, the author of The Distracted Mind, humans forage for information like animals do for food. As such, avoiding technology altogether would not be a solution. I agree with Gazzaley that we must seek ways to make the best use of technology while refraining from using it excessively. Gazzaley suggests three solutions – the first is to control ourselves, the second to make tech companies accountable and third create technology that severs the well being of humans. 

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