Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Technological Advances and Ethical Dilemma

The article discusses what options we as humans have to safeguard ourselves against unethical usage of technology and who gets to make decisions regarding it. There are many unanswered ethical questions regarding artificial intelligence, virtual reality, medical breakthrough, and many others. Many for-profit companies and academic institutions come up with new technologies every now and then that have the influence to impact the lives of many around the world. The question is how do we prevent these technologies from interfering with our moral and ethical standards. We could rely on scientists but their research can easily take several months if not years. Inventors and entrepreneurs cannot be totally trusted either as there are profiteers who are willing to sacrifice anything for their self-benefits. We normally expect government regulators to pass laws to keep things in check but regulators are often not experts in the field. Mark Zuckerberg’s congressional testimony regarding user data protection by Facebook proved this. Forming neutral external organizations whose responsibilities are to specialize in tech ethnics, and oversee tech companies, and make ethical decisions for the general public sounds tempting but who is going to appoint who? The author comes up with three suggestions to solve the ethical issues regarding technology:
1.       Understanding the consequences of the technologies we are already using
2.       Making information known to the public so that the public will make educated decisions based on what they know
3.       Requiring companies to dedicate their resources to make sure they better understand the consequences of their technologies

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